I think there is no doubt for Enterbay to deserve our compliments as these are the best head sculpts produced besides its Bruce Lee series. The facial texture is damn good that it makes the head sculpt 99% close to the real person "Kiefer Sutherland". I also need to highlight the eyes are "separated" from the facial skin and this is the new technique Enterbay used for perfect likeness. The paint work on the head sculpt is equally good. As for the handgun, holster, silencer and flashlight are nothing much to comment here as the quality and paint work on those accessories are not up to the current standard. The messenger bag and the watch are the only accessories I like. The outfits are close to TV screen. Surprisingly, no belt is given as this should be included as part of the outfits. The box packaging for this figure is pretty nice too. I highly recommend this masterpiece if you are a super fan of the TV series "24" (overall rating: 4.5/5).
Great score dude, looks awesome.
Great score! Luckily I am not a fan of 24 or else my wallet will be crying now...LOL
Yes Kenny, the head sculpt is amazing :p
Adrian, I think the Sideshow G.I.Joe 12inch series will be arriving soon and I am waiting for your wallet to cry soon..Haha!!
Great pics, Desmond.
Thanks Dash!!
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