As the figure has very loose joints, I used a Hot Toys stand to support him in standing position.

As the white pauldron is packed together with display stand, we have to put it on the right shoulder of the figure ourselves.

The backpack is detailed made. I believe the backpack will look better if Sideshow can add in weathering effects.

This will be a great figure if the weathering on the body armour is not overdone.

Besides shoulder pouches, there are magazine pouches at both side of the waist belt.

The figure looks very cool when holding his MG-15 rifle.

Besides the big rifle, a stormtrooper blaster and extra pair of poseable hands are accessories given with the figure. You may click here to view its box packaging.
floppy joints...? oooh.
looks great though. What is that about putting the pauldron on the right shoulder?
Bracken, the white pauldron is originally separated from the figure. We have to put it on the shoulder when display the figure :)
des, you mean up to this point, SS figures still has loose joints ?
can the body be replaced by the slim HT nude ?
btw, when did this piece arrive ? Did not see shops taking orders.
Ya Wee Tiong, SS bodies still have very loose joints. I don't understand why SS doesn't want to improve their figure bodies till today. I guess this is possible to use HT truetype for replacement of SS bodies as I saw a lot of collectors did that and posted their figures in the forum. And, I guess the stock are limited and that's why Falcon didn't bring in. I bought it from U-Toys at CSC..
Saruman - thanks and I am glad that I am able to pick it up as not many toy shops have the stock :)
hope they get another batch in like the Stormtroopers.
I still saw some at CSC last week. But no more stock available this week. Really hot!!
Can the figure stands on it's own without the supporting stand? Always like troopers in any variants.
The figure may be able to stand on its own without his backpack. If with backpack, definitely cannot. The joints are really loose..Haiz!!
Have you ever thought of bringing him out for a outdoor sandy place photoshoot?
Bro, if I want to bring toy for outdoor shoot, I will not choose this piece as he has very very loose joints, the weapon and accessories are fragile. So, will bring other figures out especially smaller figurines..
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