with Figure Stand...

Figure Stand becomes Snap-On Cycle Cannons!!

In Robot Mode...

Initially, I don't like Chromia as she is a motorcycle and I found she looks weird when in her robot mode. After watching the movie, I changed my view and decided to get this figure. Her left arm looks very cool with spinning gears and launching missile. Chromia also looks nice when we display her with figure stand. Anyway, you may watch the transformation via Peaugh's video here.
wow bro...seems like you've got almost all the autobots!!!
will you be getting devastator??? do get then REVIEW!!!
Bro, not at all and I am still collecting..Haha..Yes, I will be getting Devastator but Takara version should be arrived around September..
desmond you are likely to get all 3 motorbike I can tell. LOL I love the bike mode but robot doesn't appeal to me. Mainly becos of the legs.
Hi deSMOnd,
Nice review there, though ROTF Chromia is not for me, and way out of scale with the other Deluxe ROTF figures :P
I remember that toy reviewer Peaugh dislikes the ROTF Deluxe Arcee toy :P
I'll probably end with a smaller version of Arcee since I plan to buy HA Skids & Arcee w/Mikaela :)
I read on the TF forums that the 3rd purple bike is called Moonracer. Needs further confirmation on that :D
Yes Leon, I will be getting the other two motorcycles since they are all in the movie..To me, they are awesome and they look cool especially fought with Decepticons in the early part of the story :P
Yes Juliana, the size of Chromia in deluxe class is bigger when displaying it with other deluxe figures. But I think this is ok because if Hasbro release these motorcycles in smaller version, they will not look nice. Anyway, the scale of some figures like Demolisher, Rampage, Starscream also not right. Demolisher must be made much much bigger than the leader class Optimus and Megatron. Rampage at least in voyager class and Starscream must be in leader class. And, thanks for your update to other bike too. Looking forward to get them soon :P
hey desmond...do i need to pre order the takara devastator ? cos i thought they launch once already but all sold out .
i wanted to buy for my bf..he loves it..
any number that i can call to order. Cos unlikely i can go down w/o my bf coming along. Wanted to get for him as a surprise..
Mrs Low, you may call U-Toys at 64384326 to reserve as I just called them this afternoon. They said the stock is limited. Hope this helps :)
Mrs Low, you may try Playbar at 64384380 too :P
haha..Mrs Low sound so old...Need to get use to be address as Mrs.. LOL
Thanks will call them now =)
Mrs Low, For your info..U-Toys closed today and will only open tomorrow after 2pm. Playbar also closed today.
Hey Desmond.. U Toy say that they only take pre order for the Hasbro(pardon if i spell wrongly) version one and not the takara one..=(...
But i think Takara quality is better bah. My bf got the optimus prime (the one at toy r us ) the quality is really plastic , while he got a jap optimus prime from the first movie. The quality from Jap is really much better.
Whats ur advise ?
Mrs Low, U-toys had closed taking preorder for Takara version Devastator. So, it's better for you to go down U-toys (located at China Square Central) to buy the Takara Devastator tomorrow or Sunday. U-toys rejects preorder now because there is still a popular demand for this supreme class figures.
Mrs Low, for your info, 2009 version Optimus is made of plastic materials. The difference between Takara and Hasbro Optimus is the colour paints of its neck. Whereas2007 version Optimus is made of plastic and metal, and no difference between Takara and Hasbro version. Colour tone is the only difference.
This time, the difference between the Takara and Hasbro Devastator is the colour paints of the head. TAKARA added orange colour on some parts of the head but not to Hasbro version. So, Takara Devastator looks nicer than Hasbro version. Hope these help :)
Hey Desmond.
Went down on sunday =).Saw the Hasbro Devastator u mention. Saw the difference also with the head too.Only then did i realise there is also Jap version for the big devastator . =P hahaha
I was looking for the small Devastator actually , not the big one.
So i think you are referring to the big devastator right ?
My Bf got too much transformer and etc that his house got no place to put. So i prefer the smaller one hahaha. And the small one look so delicate.
Any idea when's the small one going to come out again ?
Might buy the Takara Devastator if i cannot find the small one. Price diff of $140 over lo..
And desmond ,to be truthful..i think u guys like the big Devastator then the small one right.
And maybe u guys wanted both. hee hee
Thinks hard abt which to get him!
Yes Mrs Low, I am talking about the supreme class Devastator. And, I don't know much about the smaller version devastator as they were out in the market for quite some time. I think they are 7 of them in total. Each of them costs S$10. I personally prefer the supreme class devastator as it is more movie accurate :P
sir which is beter takara or hasbro? i bought a takata jetfire and busterprime 2pack combo. i notice that the plastic of takara is kinddah brittle compaire to hasbro. i think the plastic of takara is weaker than hasbro. yah i love the color and the paint of takara but im a little afraid that my transformers will broke sooner or later if i play with them.....
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