After taking the figure out of the box, I was "shock" as all its joints are fairly tight - we all know Sideshow figures always have loose joints. With the tight joints of this figure, I can do any pose I like and the figure can stand on its own without using stand. The square-shaped device on the chest is strapped on and well painted. There is also a lightsaber hook on the belt. I like the fabric of the figure's outfit. The inner robe and cape with chain clasp are well made too. The inner suit is perfectly fit to the body and it is not very tight. This gives "extra allowance" when bending the arms and legs. Besides solid black colour, grey colour tone is painted on some parts of the faceplate. I have no problem to the helmet and boots, nice glossy finishing. As usual, the figure comes with accessories and they are 3 interchangeable hands and a set of ignited and unlit lightsabers. Luckily, all the hands have pegs unlike the Medicom Darth Vader in ROTS version - gloves are slot on. One thing I don't like is the size of the ignited lightsaber, it looks a bit small to the hands of a 14inch Darth Vader. Anyway, I think this figure is still worth buying although the price range is a bit higher than other Sideshow 12inch figures. For those who really want to have additional Darth Vader in their Star Wars collection, this is the one. I highly recommend this figure and it is tall and huge, it looks very cool when displaying with other Star Wars figures. You may view the box packaging here.
Looks awesome, Desmond! Nice score.
Dash, the Sideshow Darth Vader is definitely worth for collection as it is huge and the quality has improved a lot. I highly recommend this piece :)
yes i agreed with desmond..this piece is definitely one of the best accurate sideshow star wars figure so far...now must get at least 2 x SS Stormtroopers to escort him liao..damnzzz...
Kenmoo, well said..well said :P
Wow... this is a awesome figure!
Yes Astrogalaxy, this is a must buy Darth Vader for Star Wars 12inch collectors..
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