Mixmaster looks nice in Robot Mode. It is also the leader of the construction decepticons to form Devastator. In robot mode, Mixmaster's fire blaster shifted to the back which allows us to fire anytime. I took quite some time for the transformation as it is a little complex. Anyway, this is a cool figure and I highly recommend to pick it up. For detailed transformation, you may view Samusngproductions Video here and click here to view Mixmaster in Cement Mixer Mode.
This robot form does indeed looks great! The top half reminds me of Bonecrusher in movie 1. But this looks nicer with the real legs lol
Yes, Mixmaster's head looks a bit similar to Bonecrusher. It is another unique decepticons in ROTF series :)
Hi deSMOnd,
I read from LEon's blog that you went to the STGCC 2009 yesterday evening. How did you find it? Got any hauls from there :P
Juliana...Des went to STGCC to work as he is helping a friend to tend a stall! LOL. Des, did David pay you in toys?
Don't you think the roller attached on the arms look like shields. That's pretty cool!
Juliana, I went there basically to meet Leon, Dennis and Kenny. Nothing I wanted to buy there. Took some pictures only. Anyway, not much exhibition stalls but a lot of toy sellers this year..Western comic is not my cup of tea..Haha!!
Adrian, I went there to meet up with Leon, Dennis and Kenny. I only helped my friend yesterday which is Saturday..
Dennis, I think the two container parts attached to the arms look more like shields :P
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