Love the box packaging..Very nice and creative!!

Superman with his signature pose :)

The outfit is well replicated and even the fabric that Hot Toys used. The red boots are made of soft rubber material that allows the ankles to move.

I have no doubt the head sculpt has a perfect likeness of Christopher Reeve :P

Basic pose in the air..

Great facial texture with realistic skin colour application. The hair is also nicely sculpted.

To me, this is one of the highly recommended Hot Toys figures in the year..
You are very right the the likeness to Christopher Reeve. I think it would be prefect if more attention can be on the fabric of Superman suit.
Dennis, the fabric is okay and blue suit is stretchable. No problem if you want the figure in flying poses :P
i don't think they could have done a better job on this- Spectacular!
Bro, the head sculpt is absolutely awesome...
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