The face sculpt possesses very good likeness of Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett on Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
Surprisingly, the colour scheme and design of the helmet are similar to the one in AOTC version.
Take a closer look at the head sculpt - the paint work is not up to Hot Toys standard. But, Medicom managed to capture the likeness of the actor.
The differences between Geonosis version and AOTC version are colour of the jumpsuit and design of the jetpack.
Nothing special about the jetpack and no gimmick in the metallic blasters.
Overall, I still consider this is a good figure as it's very articulated. The figure can hold a lot of great poses and it was released in 2011. Please click here to see its packaging.
Always like the helmet and jet pack. Good sculpt paying attention even to the scars...
I think the design of the helmet still looks cool after so many years...
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