The head of HA Skids is quite movie accurate. The colour scheme of HA Skids is similar to Deluxe Skids. I like the details of the body especially the front torso and legs.

Similar to HA Bumblebee, HA Skids has a missile launcher on his right arm. We can have "Mikaela" sits on either side of the robot's arms.

Despite the bulky backpack, the figure is still able to stand steadily on his own.

The overall joint articulation of the figure is good. I would be more happy if the figure wrists were in ball joints to have more posability of the hands. Now, Mikaela controls the gatling gun that originally hides behind Skids's head.

To fire the missile, we just press the grey button on the side of the launcher.

Not forgetting to mention we can make Skids's mouth move by pressing down the top part of his head.
This is the so-called "Arcee" in Robot Mode that comes with HA Skids.
I don't know why the figure named as Arcee. Only the body colour is similar to Deluxe Arcee but its body design looks like Deluxe Chromia.
To me, HA Skids is the best figure in Human Alliance Series. Having this set is simply a "bonus" as it comes with two additional figures - Mikaela and Arcee. You may view HA Skids in Chevy Beat Concept Mode here and transformation via Optibotimus video here.
Congrates on getting HA Skids! I got mine a few months ago and I forget how to transform him already :P
Meanwhile, my Sam and Mikaela figures are inseparable now!
Congrates to you as well. Never mind Juliana, you can always refer to the instruction sheet for transformation. What do you mean "inseparable"? I don't get it :)
brrr awuful character... I hate this autobot XDDD.
Sr.Hyde - depends on how you look at it. Skids is ugly but he has a detailed body and joint articulation is good :)
Hi deSMOnd,
My Sam and Mikaela figures now spend their days seated in my 1:24 scale silver Porsche Boxster, one figure on each seat of course :P
Sam finally fulfills his dreams of getting a Porsche, while HA BB takes a break and hangs out with his fellow Autobots HA Sideswipe and HA Skids! :D
Oic..Then I wish they can drive your Lumbogini of Ferrari one day..HAHA!!
Hi deSMOnd,
I don't trust Sam's driving skills to drive my Lambos. Usually it's BB who does most of the driving. Mikaela's a daredevil kind of driver is also too risky for my precious fleet of raging bulls :P
Haha Juliana..You are so imaginative :)
It's a unique TF and turret towering above the head is awesome!
Bro, I personally think that this is the best figure in HA series as the overall robot design and joint articulation are pretty good :)
Hi again Des!! the Arcee model of two years ago was more beatiful than the newest, I will make a photo to show you (or maybe you have it too XD). Today I bought the Megatron Voyager, a beatiful tank :P I will make a review soon.
Yes Sr.Hyde, I agree with you. Great score for your Voyager Megatron. The 2007 version Arcee design looks nice as compared to the current version. But I still would get the current Arcee as I like its body design in robot mode especially using bike wheels as robot legs. Very creative!!
wow... i want this!
Jason, this is a must have figure for ROTF toy collection.
haha desmond. yeah, i like this figure much but the door wings looks doesnt accurate on movie when in robot mode. bla... will get it one day.. hehe =)
Jason - HA Skids is perfect..Haha!!
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