Just got my Hot Toys Mark IV yesterday. The packaging design is similar to other Iron Man 2 masterpiece which has a slip case covering the box. Though the box design is simple, it has a PVC window which allows you to see the fully armoured figure clearly :)
Yes bro, the colour paint on Mark IV is more movie accurate and it's very nice :P
wow, bad aSS
Ya Asrul, this one is awesome!! Get it if you can :)
lol i like this des but i didnt buy. :( coz i've read the forum it have couple of issues, not dare to take the risk =.=" might just get mark vi and v.
Jason, I have checked mine and there are no issues at all. Sometimes depends on your luck bro!!
Waah so bright and shiny! :)
Ya Armand, the colour is brighter and it has a glossy finish. It's way better than the 1st Mark III. Try to get it if possible, bro..Really nice :)
Nice catch bro! hope to see a comparison btw this and the earlier version. So far, I only known about the shape difference on the power core.
Bro, the difference is mainly the chest design, legs, arms and more articulation done to the upper torso. The fingers are also articulated this time round. The body colour is more accurate and brighter as compared to the first version Mark III. I will post more pictures if time allows. Hope to do reviews again as I have missed doing reviews since the last review on Hot Toys Abigail :)
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