"Toy Realm" is formerly known as "Xenohobby Workz" at Sunshine Plaza. The shop owners had moved in CSC last year. They sell a lot of toys and collectibles from Japan and US. There are glass cabinets for rental too.

"Very Cool Stuff" was also opened last year. The owners sell lots of action figures and collectibles from the past. As I did not visit the shop before, I don’t know the owners and pricing of their stuff. Therefore, it’s for you to find out. Haha!!
Desmond, you still go to CSC during lunch time?
"Toy Realm" has lot of variety. I just bought a set of Gundam FW trading figures from them last Sunday. As for "Very Cool Stuff" they have lot of wrestling figures and vintage figures like Pokemon and Sailor Moon. Super old-school.
Yes Leon, once or twice in a week as my office is at Singapore Land Tower. Quite a bit of distance to CSC now.
Ya Dennis, Toy Realm has a variety of US and Japanese figures. I sometimes buy wrestling figures there too. Very Cool Stuff is mainly selling vintage toys :P
but Very cool stuff the price for wwe very ex.And the Uncle very rude:)
Hi..I have talked to the shop owner before. He is okay to me. May be we are talking different person here :)
i went into the shop also while there...mostly WWE/WWF figures...the uncle is not considered rude lah just very bin chao chao...dunno?
Yes Actfigman..He is always bin chao chao..may be business is bad..so..never mind, bro :)
Uncle danny's price is abit ridiculous.He is a very good salesman with'sweet talking skill.I saw him being rude to some people at times.and even he told me about some people whom just come and look and never buy anything.
joker, I think the owner see people one. Different people with different strategy..
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