For paint application, it's considered pretty good with weathering on all over the body. Great sculpting with lots of fine details. The overall articulation is bad as it may be due to the design of the robot. One thing really disappointed me is the lower joints of the figure as they are loose. The figure cannot stand on its own for a long period of time. You may see its packaging here (Next reviews: Knifehead and Crimson Typhoon).
it is 7 inch, so it is alright, also the price I presume is not high.
I really want to see this movie.
Yes Jako..though the price is not high but body joints to a figure must be tight. Otherwise, how do we display that on shelves? This is a basic expectation from collectors to the toy company.
Paint looks a bit sloppy on the eyes Des. Otherwise he's a fine lookin figure! Agree on the joints issue...they should be tight enough for us to pose on our shelves without any fear of them toppling over.
Bro, thank you for sharing your opinion..it's damn true!!
Bro, you could try using blue-tac for the purpose of display.
Yes bro..i will do so..thanks for sharing..
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