This is one of the Jaeger figure "Tacit Ronin" in Series 4.
First impression to me ~ it's a robot designed with "shark" head :)
Its head also looks a bit like Gundam at certain angles.
Similar to Crimson Typhoon, the robot has a pair of "chicken" legs.
The silver dry brushing really makes the body parts look like metal.
The metal-like blades on the forearms can be extended like so.
For articulation, you can rotate its head and move it slightly up and down.
As usual, there is a joint at the waist. The arms are well articulated.
Those pistons connected to the hips restrict the movement of the upper legs.
I personally prefer the robot to have both fisted hands to allow for more realistic poses.
Luckily, this robot has tight joints. It can stand on its own (at least for mine).
For size comparison, Tacit Ronin is even smaller than Striker Eureka.
Neca has always been doing very well in the paint application on their figures. This one has no exception.
I personally don't like the body proportion of Striker Eureka as its arms are little longer, and its legs are short.
You can rotate its head a little due to the structure of the upper torso.
The arms have better articulations than the legs. Unfortunately, the joints are weak and loose. For mine, the right joint at the hip was broken.
I like the design of the jet booster backpack as it looks pretty cool.
You can attach the "scissor blades" on both forearms if you want.
The point of each blade is very sharp as it's made of hard plastic.
Similar to Crimson Typhoon, the figure has an articulated joint at its waist for rotation.
Surprisingly, Striker Eureka is the shortest in height when comparing Gipsy Danger and Crimson Typhoon in Series 1. However, it's still a great figure in sculpting and overall design. You may click here to see its packaging (Reviews on Leatherback and Battle Damage Gipsy Danger).
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