Got the Sea Assault Weapon System "Tidal Blast" from U-Toys last week. Actually was looking for "Depth Charger" and "Detonator", but no more stock there. So, bought this set without hesitation. Still having fun when putting those stickers on some parts of the weapon sets..Also love the promotion catalogue..Haha!!
Cool score Des! Ahhh, seeing M.A.S.K and Centurions really brings back memories.
Power Extreme!
Ya, since hunting back the toys now, I watch Centurions cartoon on the youtube every night started last week..Really enjoy it!!
Bro, even since you starting posting vintage toys...I have been drooling non-stop...I must resist the temptation to start vintage toy collection!
Bro, due to economic downturn again, I am now trying to control buying toys that are outside my main toylines. More cautious and more selective now..You can do that as well..Haha!!
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