Front and back view of the X-shaped blister card packaging by Mattel.

Unlike Mickie James, this head sculpt has a very good likeness to Shawn Michaels.

As Shawn has no ball jointed legs, he is not able to perform his finishing move "Sweet Chin Music" aka "Superkick" :P

Shawn has only a tattoo on his left arm. The little alphabets "HBK" that represent "The Heartbreak Kid" were nicely printed on the back of his wrestling attire.

For your information, Shawn Michaels started his wrestling career with WWE in 1988. He retired after having a "Career Vs Streak Match" against The Undertaker at WrestleMania this year.
I love the heartbreak Kid 'Shawn Michael' and till day he's still my WWE idol after Hogan. Started liking him since the time when he's with 'The Rockers'. HBK thrill audiences with his performance and good looks. The fly maneuvers, elbow from the top rope and finishing 'Sweet Chin Music' & not forgetting that awesome entry song. HBK has got guts and I really admire his stubborness to stand up against bigger and tougher opponent. Even though he was hit badly, he would gesture them to bring it now. Always remember the cheers whenever he somersault and flipped up from the floor.
Bro, Shawn Michaels is definitely your favourite WWE superstar as you know a lot about his wrestling career in past history :)
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