The blue plastic with pattern design is what made the light up eyes, mouth and arc reactor looks amazing.
All mechanical parts are made of plastic and they are finely sculpted. Most of the pistons are workable.
Due to the complex structure of Ultron body, you can only rotate its head and waist a little bit.
But for its mechanical arms and legs, you can get a reasonable amount of articulation.
The cable wiring throughout the body is convincing. Those wires look realistic too.

There are two battery compartments. One is on the top of the head and another one is at the back of the chest.
Besides great paint application, the weathering is beautifully executed on every part of the armor.
Just look at the detailed parts of the's breathtaking!! A truly masterpiece by Hot Toys!!
The oil leaks look convincing which also add realism to the damaged figure.
Every finger is articulated but no light up feature on the palm of Ultron hand.
Ultron is really taller than the rest of the 1/6 scale figures. According to Hot Toys official pictures, its height is about 32.5cm.
For the accessory, the paint application on the damaged iron legion is pretty good too. You may see its box package here.
The fact that the pistols moved fluidly is astonishing. The paint job is so good that I’m convinced its metal! HT even make sure they didn’t miss out on those fine details! Simply amazing 😉
The details are amazing. Didn't know it actually look quite good!
Yes Leon, it's really a masterpiece by Hot Toys!!
Yes Dennis, this is why I wanted to get it even it was released in 2016 :)
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