All the fighting scenes including its visual effects are pretty cool and spectacular. But the story is sort of lacking. I think the storyline is only focused on how Wolverine got his powerful claws and it did not give us a more clearer picture of Wolverine's past. The movie also seems like a little "hurried" to me. Anyway, I prefer other X-Men movies than this one but overall is still enjoyable (Movie Rating: 3/5).
Didn't have time to catch this movie. I probably source around with friends when the dvd is out.
Oic..I also intend to get the DVD too.
bro, did you stay past credits for the ending cutscene, where deadpool's hands crawl to his head and reattach it? and he puts his finger to his now open mouth and shushes the crowd???
Hey Joshua, I only stayed a while after ending. So, didn't know that. This means there may have a sequel afterall. Thanks for your info anyway!!
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