From the facial expression, it seems like Regal is very sad. I personally prefer this figure to have an angry face or a cunning look. The head sculpt is still okay with good likeness of William Regal.

Regal has tattoos on both sides of the legs and a small one on the left forearm.

The hair sculpt is detailed and nicely replicated from the real person. The overall paint work is good and the only thing I don’t like about this figure is the colour of the lips as it is painted in lighter pink.

For your information, William Regal is an English professional wrestler. He plays as a villain in any of the WWE brands. His famous finishing move is Power of the Punch (left handed knockout punch with brass knuckles). Regal was also moved from ECW to Raw in February this year.
I knowledge of William Regal isn't as tone as the toy figure. Correct me if I'm wrong but the head sculpt still has some resemblance.
Dennis, Regal is not fair at all and the figure skin tone is correct. I agree with you as the head sculpt still has good likeness :)
i want to collect 6" figures as well. maybe i'll start with figuart.
Asrul, good for you as you got more toy lines in the future :)
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