The head lights of the car are detailed made and they look realistic.

The human figurine "Mikaela" sits nicely in the car.

I like the rear fog lights of the car as well.

We can recognise Chevrolet symbol easily due to the great paint work by Takara.

Autobot symbol is also printed on the windshield of the bike.

Mikaela looks "small" when she rides the bike.

Human Alliance Skids is another great figure to have for ROTF collection.
Hi Desmond! I recommend using a stronger light bulb, your pictures are very dark, low luminance and low contrast. I use a strong light bulb and os veru useful :D.
Sr.Hyde - Thanks for your advice. Currently, I don't have a proper photography setup for my toys. I can only take photos under the light bulbs of my sitting room and this is the best setup I can have. I will have a proper setup when I own my new house next year :)
You are right. The paint job on the whole is better. I was close to get this set(for skidz only) but the price was still not attractive enough for me. :D
Leon, the cheaper price for Takara version is S$60 at the moment and I guess the price will only go down a bit even few months later. Anyway, this is a good piece for collection :)
well, it's very easy to solve this little problem :P use the photoshop to increase the light, with the auto-contrast, or auto-levels, whatever , it makes a good work with all the photos with a very natural result. :P
wow desmond, finally you got it. really a nice piece. saving bullets for this T.T
Sr.Hyde - I don't have a pc at home and the laptop I use is belonged to my sister and she didn't install photoshop software too. I am lazy to do the photo editing as well. Will buy a pc for myself once I settled my new flat in future :)
Yes Jason - this is another must have figure in the ROTF toyline..
Nice detail Chevrolet logo on the car and black bonnet cover. It's a great piece. ROTF Human Alliance toyline is indeed impressive!
Ya Dennis, the figures under human alliance series are much detailed and well painted. Of coarse, the size is bigger and you can feel the "weight" if you hold the figure on the hand. I personally think it's the best series under ROTF toylines :P
Hi deSMOnd,
Do the doors of your HA Skids close properly all the way in? Mine don't and it seems to be a common issue with this toy :(
Hey Juliana, both doors of my HA Skids also can't close properly (a bit out). Anyway, this is not a big issue to me. I think all HA Skids are having similar doors issues..
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