Original Ver. Sandtrooper (left above - figure in front) versus Repainted Ver. Sandtrooper
(right above - figure in front)

(Picture Source: tc4949 via ToyWorld Forum)
Besides the amazing work done on the figure, this collector is very good in photo taking too.
I thought it was real lol - as in cosplay or something!
yeah, it looks real.
nice one dude.
Jcee and Asrul - I agree with all of you. This collector is very professional in painting job and photograph taking.
Can't really tell the different. Both are so rugged.
Tho I can't see much difference between those 2 photos...I must say that I too, was fooled into thinking that these were real persons in some Cosplay event! LOL....
Dennis - By looking at the left photos (top row), the "overdone" weathering on the body armour is originated from Sideshow (standing at the front). As for the right photo (top row), the collectors has repainted the figure (standing at the front) by adding some more weathering on the armour and the figure looks much more better.
The Rebel - The difference is the weathering on the body armour (figure standing in front). As for the other photos (bottom row), that is the photos taken by the collector. He is very professional :)
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