Got the Sideshow Sandtrooper from U-Toys yesterday. Looking at the figure, I was disappointed as the weathering on the body armour is bad. Whereas the accessories and wea-pons are detailed made and well painted. The accessories are shoulder pouches, belt pouches, shoulder pauldron, backpack and extra pairs of interchangeable hands. MG-15 heavy blas-ter ri-fle is my favourite wea-pon here. I will upload more pictures on this figure soon.
The weathering look too much...
The mud part looks overdone, maybe if you brush some chalk dust on it, it will lighten it haha. But Stormtroopers are cool no matter what!
Yes Leon, the weathering is badly done this time round. Why Sideshow can't maintain their standard as what they did for their Utapau troopers? That is a pretty nice piece. Very disappointed!!
Jcee, not daring to do so as I am not a professional. May ask my friend to help me. Anyway like what you said, this sandtrooper still looks cool and I bought it without hesitation :P
Yup weathering looks bad...it looks like someone threw mud onto the Sandtrooper! I did not even know that Sideshow did a Sandtrooper!
Yes Adrian, Sideshow did the same weathering on stormtrooper commanders' armour too. But the weathering on Utapau is good. So far, Sideshow has released Stormtroopers, Utapau, Stormtrooper commanders and Sandtroopers. The coming figures will be Clone troopers and Shock troopers. Sideshow also has not released the final prototype of Commander cody yet.
still a very nice figure though.. :)
Yes Saruman, that's why I still bought the figure :p
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