Level 1...

I went to the flea market at China Square Central last Sunday. The place was not crowded. Most of the people were just walking around to see toys and not much buying and selling activities happened there. I guess this is due to the current economic downturn and people like ourselves know what is important to us and are willing to save money for the worst. However, I hope the whole world economy will be recovered soon.
omg desmond, if i were there, i grab a lot of rotf and masterpiece series toys already!
i wish i can be there one day !!
Yes Jason, there are a lot of ROTF transformer toys available here..
Cowboy75 - You can visit here when you have time in the future..
Wow I've never seen so many toys at one place before! Not even ToysRus have this many lol!
Jcee, this is the flea market that selling toys in Singapore every Sunday. I go there once in a month :P
Oh...I miss going to the flea market...since got baby...i have not gone there already...:(
Poor Adrian. Btw, Desmond, I went CSC yesterday with Leon & other bloggers after the outdoor shoot.
CSC is such an awesome place for friends of the same interest to gather. I met 2 others friends yesterday had helped two other friends to sell toys outside David's store.
Didn't feel the economic downturn when I saw there yesterday. Both my friends managed to sell their toys and took back around 3K in cash.
saruman - This is our toy flea market in Singapore..
Adrian - Then should go there one day..Haha!!
Dennis - Isn't?? then your friends must be very lucky. Most of the shop owners made complaint to me when I went last Sunday. Anyway, I believe it would more or least affect the business. I also noticed that there were not much stalls selling toys especially in level 2.
I agree that the economic downturn doesnt really affect the 2nd hand toy 'industry'....when a collector wants something...he'd go to the ends of the earth to get it..no matter what!!...LOL
desmond you sure you went there once a month? The last time I heard you go there every working day!!
Anyway most shop owner will always say business is bad to give an impression they are not doing well. If business is that bad, they won't be ordering stock in. LOL
The Rebel - I just checked with one of the shop owners during lunch just now, his sales was not more than S$400 last Sunday. He said everyone complaint yesterday. Anyway, I believe collectors have slowed down in preordering toys nowadays. Most of them wait till see the actual products then decide whether want to buy. This is the current situation. No matter what, there will be some impact in the short run..
Leon - I go to China Square Central during lunch every day but go to flea market only once in a month. I believe it's common to shop owners that they have the initial capital to set up a business. When running business, they sure earned some profits and will have some spare cash to order new stocks. Otherwise, no point for them to setup a business. Even the business is bad, they sure will find a way to order new stocks. I believe they still can survive if they can get profits from the new stocks. If not, they can close shop already :P
Hi deSMOnd ! I am a graphic designer from Surabaya, Indonesia. I collect figurine for my recent project(for topper decorative cake). Actually I used to buy figurines from flea market in Batam (It’s second hand or used items, but it’s okay because I’ll glue them). Mostly it’s must be big and I use tirelire bank figure, phone figure or squeeze toys because it’s not heavy. If you interested to search for me, then email me Please (I will give you samples of figure images that I need), if you not - don’t (it’s okay). Is it still expensive to buy figurine in Singapore Flea Market ? In Batam flea market I buy one item just $1 - 3 USA. Some items like TInkerbell, Spiderman and Disney Princess I must buy with expensive prize and it’s okay for me because people always like it. Thank you.
Ups, this is my email
Ira - I think depends on what you buy at the local flea market. Some are cheap and some are according to market price :)
It's actually a sad thing to see the economic downturn. Last sunday I was at China Square and I was shocked to see 2 shops on the Level 2 closed down! They were so long in this toy business and these were the shops shifted from the Clarke Quay many years ago ...
Hey bro, I was there as well. Yes, you are right. The shops are Ozzo and HQS. They were there for many many years. What to do..every single cent you earned goes to the landlord. Difficult to earn a living for everyone of us..
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