When I went to Queensway Shopping Centre last Friday, I found a toy shop named
"Bruce Toys & Collectibles" located at the 3rd floor. There are a lot of 12inch figures,
DC and Marvel action figures, Mattel and Hasbro figures and PVC figures available in
the shop. You may go down to check this out if you have time. By the way, the name
of the shop owner is "Andy".
wow, nice toys shop! really a lot of 12inch figures! cool!
Been reading your blog.. I'm a collector but do not collect as many toys as you guys (mine is mostly Transformers of Prime @ Convoy and Iron Man). Anyway, your blog has been very insightful. Will be visiting Spore soon, will drop by some of the shops that you mentioned, especially CSC.
nice lar...
wish i could open a toy shop like that in near future.
so who is Bruce?
Thx for the heads up! Seems like there are some toy shops blooming @ Queensway.
Jason - The shop is pretty big..
Justjerm - Wish you have a nice trip in Singapore and get what you want here :P
Asrul - Start to save money then..Haha!!
Marcus - This is the name of the shop and the owner name is Andy.
Dennis - You are welcome. Actually this is the only toy shop I found in Queensway Shopping Centre :)
very nice cool shop!
I didn't know there's a toy shop there now. Then again I hardly go up to the 3rd floor unless I have sometime to photocopy. LOL
Wow...toy-stores are blossoming down under in S'pore...must be good for the economy! :D
Saruman - Yes, it's very neat..
Leon - The shop is located behind those photocopy service shops. You must walk in further..
The Rebel - Actually is not, I heard the owner is struggling as his business is not doing well.
his batmobile is $900 if i'm not wrong. chance upon this shop too when i when to alter jeans. now they have only generic stuff but has potential. has a big lited up banner on the stairwell.
Yes Sket, they sell $900 for the batmobile. If you want 12inch figures, we shouldn't go there as the price is higher than CSC..
I was also not aware of this shop until I read your post! Then I went over there a few days ago. It's well stock with lots of toys. Thanks for sharing this!
No problem bro, I guess every collectors will do the same for sharing.
HI, thanks for the heads up on this toy shop. Been there... walked out in 5 mins, that place is a rip off. If they are targeting loaded buyers there, good luck to them.
Bro, I didn't buy anything from this shop but I know one of the owners there. Must see what kind of toys you are looking at. If you are looking those toys that are released in the market for many years ago, the price definitely goes up. You may try going down to CSC, you would have more choices there :)
The two of them are really nice guys...always give me discount when i get my 18 inch figures from them...prices are way much better than csc....
Ya Sanjiv..Jason is a nice guy and I know him too :)
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