"Edge of Darkness is an emotionally charged thriller set at the intersection of politics and big business. Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson) is a veteran homicide detective for the Boston Police Department and a single father. When his only child, twenty-four year-old Emma (Bojana Novakovic), is murdered on the steps of his home, everyone assumes that he was the target. But he soon suspects otherwise, and embarks on a mission to find out about his daughter's secret life and her killing.
His investigation leads him into a dangerous, looking glass world of corporate cover-ups, government collusion and murder and to shadowy government operative Darius Jedburgh (Ray Winstone), who has been sent in to clean up the evidence. Craven's solitary search for answers about his daughter's death transforms into an odyssey of emotional discovery and redemption (Movie Details: Golden Village website)."
There is no doubt the acting of Mel is great. The story line is average but draggy and very slow paced, almost causing me to fall asleep. Not much "action" and 95% of the movie is "dialogue". I guess the main attraction to the film is "Mel Gibson". To a person who likes to see a lot of action, this movie is not for him. My overall movie rating is 2/5.
Good to have Mel Gibson back in action !! One of my favorite actor. This man is superb !!
Yes bro, Mel Gibson is always good in acting and action. But he didn't have much action in this film..More in acting skills :)
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