I prefer Optimus Prime in "leader class" than "voyager class" as he should look biggest in size and tallest among all the Autobots. In ROTF toy series, Optimus looks much more movie accurate than the 2007 series. The reason is obviously the major changes to the torso (split truck windshield with side doors) and legs (wheels attached) of the figure. More complex adjustments are required to be done for the chest and shoulders this time round. Optimus simply looks awesome with his two snap-on energy swords when he is in robot mode. When lifting up Optimus's head, it activates the electronic speech and light-up eyes. The only thing which I don't like is - we have to bend the arms a bit in order to "hide" the energy swords. Although the joint articulation of the legs is limited, this is still OK to me. So, I highly recommend this leader class Optimus if you guys are keen in getting the ROTF transformers series. You may click here to see Optimus in Truck Mode.
Are you getting jetfire later?
Yes LEON, I will be getting Jetfire as it can combine with Optimus in leader class.
The chest area and twin energy swords are cool! I will seriously consider if Prime and Jetfire come in a giftset.
Yes Dennis, Optimus looks super cool when he uses his energy swords to fight against Decepticons.
awesome bro! love this fig...have one myself
Joshua, Great you have it too..Will you get Jetfire??
How long does it take to transform this big guy to and fro robot and vehicle modes? He looks very complex. I've never handled a Leader class TF toy before :)
Juliana, I only transformed once from robot to vehicle. It tooks me few hours as I am a slow learner even watched the Youtube video or read the manual instruction. I think gotta practice many times then can transform this big guy easily. Those youtube users can do transformation so quickly as they are truly transformer collectors. They more or least knew the tricks to transform these toys. I am not very good in transformer toys..Haha!! Have you buy Optimus yet??
My very first ROTF Deluxe Bumblebee took me an hour to get into car mode. The arms were tricky, plus he had this missile launcher on his right arm. I was afraid of breaking something too, hence I went very slowly and gently. :P
The online video reviews help a lot. They give viewers more confidence that if you twist or pull certain parts as instructed in the manual, they wouldn't break :)
Hey, don't tempt me to buy Leader OP, I've no garage space for him. Unless he's like at half price, then I'll buy him and think about the space later :D
Heh...at least the lot of you successfully transformed him to truck mode and back! I wish the same could be said about mine...hahah. Only managed to get it thru halfway...then decided that it was quite complicated...have not gotten around to view any youtube videos either......
I will seriously consider Jetfire next! IMHO, he sounds like a robot version of 'Vinnie Jones'...:p
Juliana, leader class Optimus is really awesome in both modes. Hope you can get it in the near future :P
Rebel, try to view the transformation via Optibotimus video. His demo is very detailed and clear. Only his video shows how to transform truck to robot and back to truck again. If you have Optimus, Jetfire is a must as both of them can be combined to form a new Optimus with upgraded fire power :)
Since we're on the subject of Leader Class Optimus...I was browsing thru some online discussions/forums on the topic of 'custom-painting your LC Optimus'...
Seems that there are 2 factions about doing it...One says that you shd paint the weathered look all-over, inclusive of the vehicle mode...and the other seems to be adamant about painting just the robot parts..means that during truck mode, u wont be able to see any weathering effects.
What do u think?
Rebel, I will paint weathered look for both truck and robot modes if I want. Otherwise, it will look weird when there are weathering effects on the robot parts and other parts remain as original colour paints. I think that collector follows movie accuracy. Because normally the surface of the vehicles look "clean" and it only became dirty when in their robot modes. I personally think when doing customisation on our toys for movie accuracy, we must consider the "overall" effects and look of the toy too :p
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