In Robot Mode...

Since I wanted to have all Autobot figures in ROTF series, Ratchet has to be in my collection. In fact, I don't really like Ratchet. I guess there are not much differences to this voyager class figure when comparing to the 2007 version. The current change is a little bit of white colour tone was sprayed on the two doors and front bumper. All the parts which were originally painted in black for 2007 version are now in grey. The only accessory is the roof rack which could be converted to shield or combat stretcher when in Robot Mode. There is a hidden axe in the right arm which we did not see Ratchet used in the movie. You may view the transformation via Samusngproductions Video here.
I dont really like the movie Ratchet also. That the reason why I did not purchase him in my movie toy collections. Somehow he does seems worth for the price he is selling. The previous repaint version in white look great but in robot mode still look sucky IMHO.
Agreed, Voyager Ratchet looks nice in vehicle mode but could be better designed in robot mode. I was hoping for a remold for the ROTF version but it did not happen. Nevertheless, I'll still add him to my collection :)
At least ROTF Ratchet is still green in color, better than ROTF Ironhide who somehow got 'faded' to grey! He must have aged a lot in the past 2 years! :P
Is the white Ratchet worth getting? That one really resembles an ambulance more..
Leon, Ratchet plays a not important role "Medic" in the movie. Not much from Ratchet in ROTF movie too..Boring character!!
Yes Juliana, why Hasbro want to make Ironhide in grey colour? Ironhide looks better in black. As I don't like Ratchet, I won't buy an extra piece even it was painted in white. If you like Ratchet, you can buy that. To me, I usually follow screen accurate when buying movie related toys..So, it's your personal preference :P
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